Who I Work With
I provide nutritional counseling services for individuals, couples, families and children. I work with individuals with gastrointestinal issues, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart or kidney issues and food allergies and intolerances. I also counsel individuals with regards to disordered eating or eating disorders. I use a non-diet, weight-neutral approach that focuses on health and wellness, not weight.
I offer sessions in-person, online via videoconferencing and via telephone. I also provide follow-up support via phone, email and/or text messaging
What I Do
As a registered dietitian, I use the science of nutrition to help people select and prepare nutritious foods, build healthy habits and enjoy a rich, healthy life.
In my work with clients, I combine nutritional science, the latest research, and my extensive clinical experience with compassion, a global world-view, a deep understanding of diverse cultures, and my desire to help others.
My Coaching Style
It's important my clients feel heard and accepted. In my counseling practice I am:
Patient and understanding
Compassionate and sympathetic
Positive and optimistic, yet pragmatic
Highly individualized
Open and curious
Gentle, yet firm
We all have our own story, our own history and our own way of seeing things. Sometimes our story helps us, other times it holds us back. My job is to learn your unique story and work with you to find ways to identify (and obliterate!) roadblocks to help you achieve your health and lifestyle goals.
Explore new tastes!
You might discover something amazing.
How I Work
I am trained and skilled in Motivational Interviewing (MI). This is a gentle, collaborative way of exploring nutritional concerns and seeking the answers to a client’s problem within themselves.
MI is an ongoing conversation that helps individuals uncover their own hidden challenges and motivations for change. We are all experts in our own lives and our own bodies. Sometimes we lose our way momentarily, but we are each strong and capable. We may just need someone to occasionally help remind and show us this.
Ice cream is a necessity of life!
My Nutrition Philosophy
I might not be like other nutrition professionals you have met. And I think that's a good thing!
I believe:
In providing evidence-based recommendations in an easy to understand manner.
In science and data, not wishful or magical thinking.
In focusing on the foods and habits we want to increase in our daily lives, rather on than the things we think we need to eliminate.
In helping people find their best and healthiest selves.
There are many ways to live a healthy lifestyle. One size does not fit all.
In individuality and lack of judgment. Our eyes should be on our own plate, and our own lifestyle.
Food is meant to be enjoyed, not suffered through.
The “best” diet is one that includes foods you enjoy and that you can eat for a lifetime.
Eating well is fairly simple, but eating well consistently can be very hard. I can help!
And, on the contrary, I do NOT believe in any of the following:
Fad diets. Or diets found in books, diets promoted by doctors on daytime television, detox diets, or diets in general.
Food- or body-shaming.
That there is any one perfect diet or perfect food.
Our body shape or size is indicative of our health. There is a much greater story inside us than outside.
Food as religion. It’s neither “clean” nor “unclean.” A healthy diet doesn’t make us pure, nor does it speak volumes about our character. We are not better people if we eat all broccoli and chicken, nor are we to be chastised or required to do penance for eating ice cream or French fries.
Overly restrictive diets and lifestyles that focus on taking many of the things we enjoy.
Making people feel bad or ashamed about themselves results in better health.
“Positive and permanent dietary and lifestyle changes are only made by people who feel supported, appreciated, accepted and understood.”